We're here to help

Indivdual or Couples Support

Counseling During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a time when so many can use extra support. All of our therapists are trained to support you through this time as you anticipate the future. Research demonstrates that addressing mental health concerns during pregnancy lead to a better postpartum time. We offer online counseling for pregnancy.

Postpartum Counseling Postpartum is a big period of adjustment. All our therapists are trained and know how to offer postpartum counseling. -Postpartum depression -Postpartum anxiety -Postpartum trauma or Birth Trauma -Relationship support -Adjustment struggles and more!

Infertility and Loss Support Sometimes the path to creating a family includes loss and infertility. This can be a time  of isolation. It doesn't have to be this way. All of our counselors are trained to support the grief and process of infertility, miscarriage, stillbirth and infant loss through virtual counseling.

Coaching Support Our trained coaches offer a supportive space for you to explore your wants and needs while helping you find a path forward. We know the challenges that can arise during the perinatal years, let us help you navigate through it.